суббота, 26 сентября 2009 г.

Problems of travel agencies was admitted to the table.

Problems of travel agencies in the Ministry of Tourism was admitted to the table. Cyprus Turkish Travel Agencies Union (KITSAB) call on the problems that occur at the meeting were expressed and solution methods was discussed.

Management agencies, as well as representatives KITSAB attended the meeting with Economy and Tourism Ministry Undersecretary Yalcin Vehit President Ismail Çetin KITSAB began with the speech.

Yalçın Vehit, the purpose of the meeting held yesterday the opinions of the agents to learn and develop solutions to receive and dialogue said. Vehit, the country put a significant contribution to the development of tourism and travel agencies, the innkeeper is a very vital role by pointing to the industry ministry is ready to give any assistance they said. Vehit, a significant proportion of tourists coming to the country come through the agency said.

After the referendum in the country, pointed out that hopes to connect to the development of tourism that Vehit, tourism can be reached at the point where the fight came with great difficulty has been noted. Vehit, "Direct flights can be made to give positive results of initiatives is our greatest wish," he said.

"Percentage increase 32'lik"

Tourism is a big leap this year that highlight Vehit, the number of passengers arriving in the TRNC the first 5 months of last year, compared to 32 percent increase has been noted.

The most important markets for tourism from the UK or 42 percent increase in the number of tourists who Vehit emphasized, in the development of Turkish Cypriots living in London, said it was on the increase.

Vehit, "we take up our service quality, can compete in a structure have to quickly reach" the said.

Vehit, transportation difficulties encountered in the most basic problem is one of emphasis, the aircraft seats are not enough said.

Vehit, Tourism Master Plan is also to be revised to highlight the need for this initiative has been made of the said. Vehit, "Tourism figures, not a policy which connects quality requirements," he said.

President Ismail Cetin unity KITSAB practices described in his speech, especially on behalf of the South into very intensive cooperation with Cyprus in their contacts, but you can not say about this big step.

The elimination of the embargo on their initiative in explaining Çetin, tourists go to Cyprus, but they want to get a share of the desired level of relations with Cyprus are said to be.

Cetin, Cyprus spite of all the block's foreign tour operators to come to TRNC and that the observations take the possibility of tours, he said.

Various problems in the implementation of the Green Line Regulation, Cetin noted that, from south to north in the tour experienced insurance problems, he said.

среда, 12 августа 2009 г.

Livestock in the giant step.

Especially for babies and children with the basic nutrients of milk, produced in the European Union standards on the agenda for years to be consumed, the "Cold Chain Project" came to her was an important step has been described.

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is a committee with the participation of relevant organizations, "Cold Chain Project" ni was largely completed and the system generated by applying a series of decisions. Manufacturers who wish to participate in the project, on Wednesdays from March 17 to get application form from the Animal Husbandry Department. Still be around 2 thousand KKTC'de of animal producers may switch to this system 10 percent of the number of cows have indicated, it will implement this system a number of manufacturers as a convenience to the ministries will be provided.

Agriculture and Forestry Minister Rasit Pertev, Palace Hotel yesterday in the press conference that the "Cold Chain Project" of the largely been completed, milk and dairy products quality and productivity by increasing access to EU standards for the purpose of mobilization initiated today in the second stage has been passed.

Director of the Dairy Council of the press conference Tülin Berova, some ministry officials, President of Union Trust Yücener developers Animal, Dairy Manufacturers Association President and union board member Osman Atanur prepared dairy manufacturers were found.

Relevant ministries and civil society organizations with the participation of February 26 created in the work of committees in the decision explains Pertev, Sağım units and cooling systems in accordance with EU norms as to rearrange the terms of the country by taking into account a reasonable transition period of implementation will be made.

Pertev, a cold chain system for the desired equipment to the ministry, called for companies in Cyprus, especially the price, payment and assembly facilities are subject to determination of said phase. Cold chain system manufacturers to implement the class defining the three ministers Pertev indicating that they were following sequence:

1. 10 milch cows, and higher (lower limit) 200 lt / day of milk (small producers). Envisaged for the building of machines and coolers Sağım figure estimated 17 thousand euro.

2. 20 milch cows and over 300 lt / day of milk. Envisaged for the building of machines and coolers Sağım figure estimated 25 thousand euro.

3. 30 milch cows and over 500 lt / day and above milk. Envisaged for the building of machines and coolers Sağım figure estimated 39 thousand euro.

Low rate loans for the project

Agriculture and Forestry Minister Rasit Pertev, raw milk producers will be asked the standard animal shelter and Sağım units and coolers for the technical features Hayvancılık office provided by edileceğini; manufacturer of cold chain systems go to get low interest rates the credit of the amount of Ministers Council's next meeting be treated as a decision is connected announced .

Again Sağım Council of Ministers and cooling unit for the reception will be spending a portion of the state by what percentage will be donated to announce Determination Pertev recording, "cold chain project application form producers" Thursday March 17 from the Animal Husbandry Department to be provided from the announced. Pertev, manufacturers forms Livestock Department, Veterinary Department and the Dairy Council of representatives has been reviewed by the committee to conclude, he said.

Pertev, producers "Cold Chain Project" d related to the training brochures and documentation to begin preparations, milk and dairy product manufacturing to the EU standard for the "critical control points for the risk analysis" to be made and finance experts from the decision said.

Rasit Pertev, cold milk to the Dairy Authority of tankers to be able to move and give directives for the institution has made out to tender.

Has been neglected for years

"Cold Chain Project, our community health, the quality of our products is very important in terms of is an initiative. For many years, this project has been mentioned. That the requirement was emphasized. Decades before had a project. This most urgent manner to the circuit are" said the Agriculture and Forestry Minister Pertev, wished the project to be beneficial.

Özlenen hygiene are provided

Pertev Minister, responding to journalists' questions, the system has information about the features and the cold chain system, the breast milk of the animals from the time the right hand without touching the most hygienic conditions to the consumer to build up a hygiene chain said.

Points to the importance of hygiene in the milk near the chills that Raşit Pertev, Sağım unit and is connected to the coolant through the hygiene of milk to consumers is told. Pertev the project, "the cow to the consumer as part of the chain without breaking health and hygiene standards to maintain their full, milk and milk products are intended to remove the contemporary standards" told.

Minister Pertev, a cold chain for the transition project at the moment do not put milk producers, but over time this requirement will be mandatory announced. "Because of our producers and manufacturers in the EU accession process in the most rapid way are required to adhere to these standards" said the Pertev, already pointed out that the EU has made it mandatory norms.

Health for

Necessary for human health, both export products accepted in other countries to see these standards should be reached immediately Raşit Pertev emphasize, "is thick on this subject later. We compensate for this very quickly at these steps are," he spoke.

Pertev, technology has earned more than the number of animals that need to be able to save the small-scale producers as soon as possible to increase the number of animal studies have suggested, or to establish partnerships of small producers, he said.

Eastern Europe also experienced in this process that the Minister Pertev, small manufacturers also want to reach at least 10 milch cows were recorded. Pertev, "the producers want to keep our hand, this transition process, the most reasonable, which may be the most comfortable way spent," he said.

Producer ready for 10 percent of

Rasit Pertev, livestock producers can move to avoid is just a cold chain project responds to the question, the system may be very easy transition, but this process must be experiencing a process that has been recorded. We currently stock the manufacturer's KKTC'de be around 2 thousand and 231'inin them on 10 and explaining the milch cow of the Pertev, that currently 10 per cent of the producers can go to this site is that of the manufacturer 50 percent of total milk production oluşturduğunu said.

No, but ...

Pertev, at this stage, do not put any obligation to repeat, "But in the coming EU accession process, whether or not to catch certain standards in contemporary conditions, and that this is a necessity," he spoke.

Small manufacturers to increase the number of animals to study indicating Raşit Pertev, the share allocated in the budget to use for this purpose was recorded.

пятница, 24 июля 2009 г.

Guidance services, the guidelines should give the Turkish Cypriots.